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Introducing Jab ali the Great!

In the tradition of Kriss Kross

Lil Bow Wow

Chi Ali

& Lil Romeo

We have the next generation of child prodigy


However, this kid has a message to his music

A Prophet of Rage

A Young Man Born of the XClan... 

Its the Jab ALI

I have a right to be hostile, my people have been persecuted!  (Public Enemy)

This is my official website, created for everyone to keep up with my thoughts and new releases. We currently live in the best of times.  We live in the information age, there's nothing we can't become an expert at within a few months of research and dedication.  However, with all of this being the case, we still live during the worst of times.  Miseducation, escalating poverty rates, the instability of the home, and more so the hyper sexual / self-medicating nature of our community is creating a literal "walking dead."


My dad and I talk about it all the time.  So much so, that I've begun to write raps about it.  My dad believes that if it comes from the mouths of youth, the world will hear it better.  Well, this is my attempt at doing my part.  We haven't had a modern day radical since the death of King and El Haj Malik Shabazz, as well as the aging of Jackson, Sharpton, and minister Farrakhan.  I am the new prophet of rage, I am Jab Ali the Great.


JUL 14
JUL 21

Central Maroons Varsity Football Talent Show

$100 !st Place

Hot 105.5 CU Day City Talent Showcase

County Wide Talent Showcase

World Premiere Video

Follow @JabAli_theGreat

World Premiere Video

Follow @JabAli_theGreat


World Premiere Video

Follow @JabAli_theGreat

Are you a philosopher? Yes.  Yes, I think very deeply.  (KRS1, Boogie Down Productions)

My father is a learned man, college educated.  He has a Bachelors in Finance and a Master's in Business Administration.  However, he has always told me, his greatest education came from his interaction from his peers.  It was at college that my father found his love for his people, and clear understanding of the plight of the African American.  So much so, that his life's goal has been to fulfill the rudiments of equality.


Mine are the eyes of a radical, too.


My father and mother felt it their job to have educated informed children.  They made it a priority that we understand our history, how we've come to the circumstances we currently reside, and our responsibility for recognizing the ailments of our people, and being a catalyst to solving our more damaging issues.

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